Zorra Now Fall 2023

14 Zorra Now | Fall 2023 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION E-BILLING IS NOW AVAILABLE! Receive your tax bill by email. Sign up online www.zorra.ca or e mail accountsreceivable@zorra.ca Payment due dates: August 31 October 31 PAYMENT OPTIONS: Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) Plan We offer a PAP Plan to make it easier to pay your municipal tax bill, and to help avoid late fees. There is no cost for this service. If you pay by PAP Plan, you still will receive two tax bills. These are statements for your records. You can opt to receive these bills by email or by post. Internet Banking You can pay by using internet banking with your financial institution. When setting up to pay your property taxes, select Zorra Taxes as the payee and use the 11-digit roll number on your property tax bill. Depending on the institution, you may need to add 4 extra zeros to the end of your roll number. If you are paying through your bank or financial institution, allow three business days for the payment to go through. Mail If you are mailing a cheque (payable to Township of Zorra) allow sufficient time for delivery. Visit / Drop-Box at the Municipal Office Payment may be made in-person by cash, cheque, or debit at the Municipal Office during business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). If paying in person, be sure to bring your bill with you. Payment may also be made via the drop box at the municipal office, beside the main door. Cheques only! 2023 TAX NEWS l t h o r n t o n @ z o r r a . c a 5 1 9 - 4 8 5 - 2 4 9 0 e x t 7 2 2 2 w w w . z o r r a . c a Property Tax Billing The Municipality issues two property tax bills per year that are broken into four tax instalments. Tax bills were mailed out in late July. If you have not received your final tax notice, please contact the office. Note that tax instalment payments are due the last working day of February, May, August and October. *** PLEASE KEEP YOUR PROPERTY TAX BILL FOR YOUR RECORDS.*** There is a $10 fee to issue a replacement bill (paper or electronic). F o r t a x i n q u i r i e s , c o n t a c t L y n d a T h o r n t o n , T a x C o l l e c t o r / D e p u t y T r e a s u r e r