Zorra Now Fall 2023

22 Zorra Now | Fall 2023 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Please visit the Township's website to view the drafted plan and provide your feedback using the survey. The Township of Zorra's 2023-2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan outlines the policies, achievements and actions that the Township of Zorra has put in place to remove barriers and improve opportunities for persons with disabilities. The Plan details the Township's approach to building an inclusive organization for all who live, work, and visit the Township of Zorra. Township staff have completed a draft of the plan, and are now beginning their consultation efforts. The drafted 2023-2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan has been posted to the Township website for the public to view, along with a survey where you can submit you suggestions, comments, or concerns. MULTI-YEAR ACCESSIBILITY PLAN CONSULTATION STAY IN THE KNOWWITH ZORRA NOW! Z Website: www.zorra.ca Send us your email address so that we can circulate our electronic publication of the Zorra Now to you to keep you up to date on all that is Zorra! Email: admin@zorra.ca