Zorra Now Fall 2023

Zorra Now | Fall 2023 3 EMBRO ZORRA COMMUNITY CENTRE PAVILION PROJECT In 2022, the Embro Highland Games and Embro Fair together attracted over 4,500 visitors. Embro Minor Soccer has seen an increase in the number of registrations, with over 250 children participating in the sport last year. Adding a pavilion to the EZCC grounds will enhance these events and encourage other community groups to host outdoor activities on the site. It will also be available for the community to book for weddings, family reunions or other social gatherings. Having an outdoor, covered space for activities like pickle ball and basketball promotes a healthy community. The EZCC Pavilion Project Steering Committee is fundraising to build a permanent, outdoor, low- maintenance pavilion that can be enjoyed by the community year-round! Located on the grounds of the Embro Zorra Community Centre (EZCC), the pavilion will be equipped with hydro and water and will provide shelter from the elements so outdoor events and activities are more enjoyable for all participants. WHAT IS THE EZCC PAVILION ? VOLUNTEER COMMUNITY GROUPS: 40’ x 80’ Pavilion Bright with High Ceilings Low-maintenance SUITABLE FOR LARGE SCALE COMMUNITY EVENTS MAKE YOUR PAVILION PLEDGE THIS EXCITING COMMUNITY PROJECT NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT Anyone who makes a pledge will be contacted in the Fall 2023 with updates! The fundraising committee continues to write grants so the final amount needed from community pledges may change. Pledges that convert into donations will be issued a tax receipt by the Township of Zorra. Donor recognition will be part of the final project plans. BRONZE $1000+ SILVER $2500+ GOLD $5000+ WHY IS A PAVILION NEEDED ? We have 60% of the project funded so we need YOUR PLEDGES to raise the final 40% . Construction is set to begin Fall 2023!