Zorra Now Fall 2023

30 Zorra Now | Fall 2023 TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY INFORMATION Saturday, September 23, 2023 Oxford Historical Society's 125th Anniversary Celebration! The Oxford Historical Society is hosting a dinner to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of our founding in 1897! Saturday, September 23, 2023 Salvation Army Family Church 769 Juliana Dr. Woodstock ON N4V 1E9 5:30 Reception; 6:00 Dinner; Program to follow Tickets: $30 per person with choice of beef or chicken dinner Tickets must be purchased in advanced and will go on sale on Monday, August 21, 2023. They can be purchased online by e-transfer purchases@oxhs.ca, or by PayPal, or by cash at theWoodstock Museum NHS. To purchase online complete this form: OxHS 125th Anniversary Dinner! Last Day to Purchase Tickets: Saturday, September 16, 2023 For more information please email us at info@oxhs. ca or leave a message at (226) 242-4774. Feel free to post/share this 125th Anniversary Poster! Wednesday, October 25, 2023: Presentation from the Canadian Warplane Museum Information about this event will be posted as it becomes available. Saturday, November 25, 2023 Spirit of Christmas Tour of Homes Information about this event will be posted as it becomes available. Wednesday, November 29, 2023 Museum and OxHS Thank You Event! Information about this event will be posted as it becomes available. OxfordHistorical SocietyEvents All of the Society’s events are free and open to the public, Society membership is not required. Our website is www.oxhs.ca ; we can be reached by email at info@oxhs.ca or by phone at 226-242-4774. Size Rate (HST included) Business Card 3.5 x 2.25 inches $96.05 ¼Page 3.5 x 4.75 inches $169.50 ½PageVertical 3.5 x 9.5 inches $282.50 ½Page Horizontal 3.5 x 4.75 inches $282.50 Full Page 6.875 x 9.5 inches $536.75 ADVERTISING RATES For further information and to book your space please email: zorraadvertising@rogers.com COMMUNITY EVENTS & SERVICES MAGAZINE