Zorra Now Fall 2023
Zorra Now | Fall 2023 5 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Building &Drainage Department Any building or drainage questions should be addressed to Mike Hughes Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent 519-485-2490 ext. 7224 mhughes@zorra.ca The Building and Drainage Department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of various Provincial legislation, polices and municipal by-laws including: • The Ontario Building Code Act • Drainage Act • Planning Act • Building Control By-law • Zoning By-law • Nutrient Management By-law • Fencing By-law The use of building permits allows for municipalities to regulate the types of construction in the community and ensure that proper building standards are met. The enforcement of the Building Code Act serves to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. For more information on projects that require a building permit, please visit The Township of Zorra’s Building webpage at zorra.ca/building-and-drainage.aspx. Applying for a Building Permit To complete a building permit application, please register an account at www. cloudpermit.com . You will complete the application online and be required to upload a site plan, drawings, and designer information to the application. For more information on how to submit an application or if you are unsure if your project requires a building permit, please visit the Building Department webpage or contact us at ext. 7231. Failure to obtain a Building Permit may result in a penalty of double the permit fee, as per the Township of Zorra’s Building By- Law No. 18-19. Additional Residential Units (ARUs) ARUs are smaller, self-contained dwelling units (i.e., with their own kitchen, bathroom and sleeping areas) that are inside, attached to, or in a detached accessory building on the same property as a single detached house, semi- detached house or street fronting townhouse. ARUs can take many forms, such as basement apartments, attached suites, tiny homes and coach houses, but they must be smaller than the primary residential unit, within a permanent building (i.e., not a mobile home or recreational vehicle), and connected to municipal water and sewage services, where available. You can find more information about ARUs on the Township of Zorra and Oxford County websites. • zorra.ca/en/our-services/building.aspx • oxfordcounty.ca/en/services-for-you/ additional-residential-units.aspx If you are thinking about building an ARU, early consultation with the Building Department is recommended to help ensure that your project meets all the provisions and requirements. Sanitary Sewage Systems The Township Building Department oversees the private sanitary sewage system approvals for Zorra. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these approvals, please contact the Building Department. The Building and Drainage Department is responsible for the administration and enfo Provincial legislation, polices and municipal by-laws including: The Ontario Building Code Act Drainage Act Planning Act Building Control By-law Zoning By-law Nutrient Management By-law Fencing By-law The use of building permits allows for municipalities to regulate the types of construc and ensure that proper building standards are met. The enforcement of the Building C protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. For more information on projects that require a building permit, please visit The Town Building webpage at zorra.ca/building-and-drainage.aspx. Additional Residential Units (ARUs) ARUs are smaller, self-contained dwelling units (i.e., with their ow kitchen, bathroom areas) that are inside, attached to, or in a detached accessory building on the same p detached house, semi-detached house or street fronting townhouse. ARUs can take basement apartments, attached suites, tiny homes and coach houses, but they must primary residential unit, within a p rmanent building (i.e., not a mobile home or recre connected to municipal water and s w ge services, where available. You can find more information about ARUs on the Township of Zorra and Oxford Cou zorra.ca/en/our-services/building.aspx oxfordcounty.ca/en/services-for-you/additiona l-residential-units.aspx If yo u are thinking about building an ARU, early c nsultation with the Building Depart recommended to help ensure that your project meets all the provisions and requirem Mike Hughes, Chief Building Official at ext. 7224. Sanitary Sewage Systems
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