
TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Zorra Now | Winter 2023 11 By-Law Enforcement Department WINTER PARKING Please be advised that the winter parking restrictions will be enforced starting November 15, 2023 and remain in place until March 31, 2024. Parking is not permitted on any road or street from 1:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. 7 days a week during this period. Any vehicle owner found in violation of this by-law could be fined or have their vehicle removed/towed at owners’ expense. The fine for this violation is set at $50. RECREATION VEHICLES Notice to all RV/boat owners. The Zoning By-law allows front yard driveway storage of RVs and boats from May 1 – October 31. After October 31, front driveway storage of these vehicles shall be removed and stored elsewhere. The vehicles may be stored on your side lot or rear lot provided that they meet the 5ft setback. LEAVES AND SNOW: Did you know that it is a By-law infraction to push your leaves and snow onto the roadway or neighbouring properties? Depositing your leaves on the road or private property is considered dumping and is may result in a significant fine of $700. Also depositing snow or ice onto public or private property carries a fine of $200 and up to $700! If you wish to review the Clean and Clear By-law it can be found on our website at www.zorra.ca ZORRA HUNTING REGULATIONS Sunday Gun Hunting in the Township of Zorra is prohibited. For further information visit the Ministry of Natural Resources website: www.mnr.gov.on.ca In accordance with Township By-law #43-09, Municipal licenses are not required for hunting rabbit and pheasant in the Township of Zorra. Dave Robertson, By-law Enforcement Officer 226-374-6795 drobertson@zorra.ca Congratulations to the Thamesford Minor HockeyU11 YellowTeam who won the Silverstick tournament in Parkhill in November! These kids are off to Silverstick Internationals in January!