
TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY INFORMATION 32 Zorra Now | Winter 2023 Wednesday, January 31, 2024: AGM & Presentation* Please join us for the Society's AGM, which will be held at the Woodstock Museum, NHS, meeting will begin at 6:30pm. At this meeting the 2024 Executive will be voted in, all paying members will have a chance to vote for this year's Executive. For a complete list of our 2023 Executive please visit our Committee Members page. If you wish to serve on the Executive Board, contact the Society by Saturday, January 20, 2024, info@oxhs.ca. Membership fees are due at this time. Annual memberships run from January to December. A single membership is $25 and a family membership is $30. To become a member complete the Membership Form AGM Presentation: Elaine Becker & Don Wilson - Lake Erie Shipwrecks ____________________________________ Wednesday, February 28, 2024: Public Meeting at the Woodstock Museum NHS - Presentation & Time TBD* ____________________________________ Wednesday, March 27, 2024: Public Meeting at the Woodstock Museum NHS - Presentation & Time TBD* OxHS events are free and open to the public, Society membership is not required. *For the latest information visit our website: https://www.oxfordhistoricalsociety.ca/ upcoming-events/; we can be reached by email at info@oxhs.ca or by phone at 226-242-4774. OxfordHistorical SocietyEvents Winter can beWarm ISE wants to warm up some students’ winters by whisking them to welcoming homes in Europe. Sure, the snow-clad Alps are in our mind’s eye, but even in the valleys of Switzerland, France or Italy, it is sweater weather. With ISE’s exchanges, teens from 13 to 17 can leave their parkas parked at home. In Spain, even in February, even a sweater may be unnecessary. Not all ISE exchanges, however, happen during the winter term in school. Ireland invites students to Dublin and area in the summer as do all 5 other partners. Get to know great people who share your interests and personality. See your home community through their eyes, and open your eyes wide to their countries. Explore the world. Explore your interests be they sport, science, music, people... For more information visit www.iseontario.on.ca