TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION 4 Zorra Now | Winter 2023 Public Works Department NOTICE TO RESIDENTS... WINTER ROADWAY MAINTENANCE ON TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA ROADS The winter level of service to be delivered is prescribed in the Minimum Maintenance Standards – Ontario Regulation 239/02 regarding snow and ice control. The Minimum Maintenance Standards are a regulation of the Municipal Act, 2001. Service will be delivered during the following hours: Monday to Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with additional hours as determined by weather conditions Saturday, Sunday, holidays - as determined by weather conditions. REDUCED LOAD SEASON - February 15 - April 30 An early reminder to all drivers of heavy trucks and equipment that the reduced load season takes effect for the period of February 15 to April 30 inclusive each year. In accordance with By-law 21-03, signs will be posted on applicable Township roadways. HALF LOAD SEASON RATIONALE • Minimize long term damage to infrastructure • Problems caused when roads are soft often require major repairs • Prevent additional damage to culverts and bridges • Heavy loads do damage to road sub-base that is difficult to detect Any roads questions should be addressed to Steve Oliver, Director of Public Works 519-485-2490 ext. 7227 or soliver@zorra.ca BATTERY RECYCLING The Township of Zorra has a free program for the recycling of household batteries through Raw Materials Company Inc. (RMC). The program is being offered at four locations throughout the Township: - Township of Zorra Municipal Office, 274620 27th Line, RR 3, Ingersoll, ON N5C 3J6 – phone 519-485-2490 ext. 7221 - Thamesford Community Centre, 85 Middleton Street, Thamesford, ON N0M 2M0 – phone 519-485-2490 ext. 7245 - Embro Zorra Community Centre, 355644 35th Line, Embro, ON N0J 1J0 – phone 519-485-2490 ext. 7251 Please feel free to drop off your batteries at any of the above locations. Since the start of this program in September 2012, the Township of Zorra has collected and returned 3,193 lbs of batteries to RawMaterials Company for Recycling. • Changes in the size of agricultural equipment i.e. large liquid manure trailers • Multiple aggregate producers in Township • Infrastructure repair costs borne directly or indirectly by residents All of the above lead to safety issues during Half Load Season. Keep up to date on news and events in Zorra Township www.zorra.ca Find us on Facebook! Township of Zorra Follow us on Twitter! @ZorraTwp Follow us on Instagram! @ZorraTwp
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