Paramedic Services © Damian Dudek

2019 Annual ReportGrowing stronger together

Located in the heart of southwestern Ontario, Oxford County is home to approximately 121,000 people across eight municipalities "growing stronger together" through a two-tiered, partnership-oriented government, the County of Oxford. Visit or follow us on Twitter and Facebook

Public Works © Damian Dudek


Oxford County's vision is one of vibrant communities working well and growing stronger together.

Public Works © Damian Dudek

Oxford County Council

Oxford County Council is made up of the mayors of each of the eight local area municipalities plus two additional councillors from the City of Woodstock, the largest population centre in the County. To learn more visit

Woodingford Lodge – Roll and Stroll

Oxford County is
making a difference

Quality of life for all

  • 491

    families receiving child care fee subsidy, with 725 children

  • 628

    subsidized public housing units

  • 656

    not-for-profit housing units

  • 430

    affordable housing units

  • 14,587

    paramedic call responses

  • 228

    long-term care beds

  • Nearly 4,800

    Oxford residents and families aided through financial assistance and employment supports

Oxford County is
making a difference

Delivering results


  • Supported 10 local businesses in bringing new experiential tourism offers to market
* Analysis of 2016 Statistics Canada data by Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport


  • 14


  • 264,723

    in-person visits

  • 507,011

    items circulated

  • 36,177

    attendees of 3,744 programs

Provincial Offences Court

  • 8,185

    charges processed

  • 7,103

    matters scheduled for Provincial Offences Court

Oxford County is
making a difference

Maintaining infrastructure

  • 644

    Kilometres of
    county roads

  • 161

    bridges and culverts

  • ~1.1 million sq.ft.

    of properties, land and facilities managed

  • 17

    Municipal water systems
    serving 33,500 customers in 21 Oxford communities

  • 9

    Municipal Wastewater systems
    serving 70,000 residents and businesses in 11 Oxford communities

Shaping our future

  • 40% overall waste diversion from landfill (2019)
  • Robust capital program to protect and maintain vital municipal infrastructure
  • Stewardship of more than 773 hectares of County-managed woodland properties, including 345 hectares of County forest and 288 hectares of wetlands/source water protection lands
  • Building vibrant communities and sustainably managing growth through effective and balanced Official Plan policies, comprehensive planning review processes, and strategic initiatives
Human Resources - Take Our Kids to Work Day


Oxford County works to meet the needs and collective interests of our communities, residents and businesses through customer-focused services that improve quality of life.

CAO’s Office – Tourism © Damian Dudek

Your dollars at work

Community Planning

financial Statements

Customer Service © Damian Dudek

Report for Oxford County
Ontario, Canada