zorra-now-spring 2024-web

TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY INFORMATION TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY INFORMATION 26 Zorra Now | Spring 2024 Zorra Now | Spring 2024 27 Thamesford Lions Club Thamesford Lions Community Events "Catch The Ace" Progressive Raffle Weekly Prize Draws - jackpot grows each week if Ace of Spades is not found 8PM Tuesday evenings streamed LIVE on Facebook at Brunny's Bar and Grill Tickets can be purchased in Thamesford from: Dewy's Auto • Village Catering & Deli • JC Graphics Mc Farlan Rowlands Insurance • Shell Gas Station Brunny's Bar and Grill Tickets can be purchased in Embro from: Highland Restaurant Contact: Lion Tony, 519-285-3618 Electronic, Metal, Batteries Recycling Day Saturday April-20-2024 7AM-2PM Thamesford Community Centre Parking Lot Contact: Lion Jack 519-285-2729 CalithumpianWeekend - Trout Brunch Sunday May-19-2024 Serving: 11AM-1PM Thamesford Community Centre Contact: Lion Jack 519-285-2729 Retro Rides & Community Vibes Saturday June-15-2024 12PM-4PM Thamesford Lions South Park Fundraising event for the Zorra Multi-Use Courts Project Contact: Lion Rebecca email: beckiehag@gmail.com Watch For The Latest Updates For These Events on the "Thamesford Lions" Facebook page! Celebrate Earth Day by joining a local Thames River cleanup in your area. Visit the Thames River Cleanup website to learn how you can get involved! Local coordinators and volunteers needed! https://thamesrivercleanup.ca/ CANADA DAY Monday July 1st, 2024 Join us on www.embrohighlandgames.ca Check out events & Buy your tickets on line at LIVE MUSIC with the Steel City Rovers & The Paddy Stones SPECIAL 85th EVENTS Whisky Tasting (tickets in advance) Barrel Racing & More.... as we celebrate our 85t h games !