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TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY INFORMATION TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY INFORMATION 28 Zorra Now | Spring 2024 Zorra Now | Spring 2024 29 Oxford 4-H Club The 4-H Pancake Fundraiser started March 9th, having it weekends in March along withWednesday of March Break and April 6 & 7. Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy a pancake meal served up by the 4-H youth. It was great to be able to do the 4-H Pancake Fundraiser again to give 4-H youth the learn to do by doing experience of setting up, making, serving and cleaning up for the opportunity to demonstrate 4-H leadership and community involvement. A huge thank you to Jakeman Maple Products & Jakeman Families for providing the facilities to make the 4-H pancake fundraiser a great success!! Oxford 4-H clubs have a variety of projects happening this spring for hands-on learn to do by doing activities in-person. Thamesford 4-H Club have started a ‘World of Food’ 4-H project; the Mt Elgin 4-H Club did a Pizza project and is doing a ‘Sporting Chance’ 4-H project now; Hickson 4-H Club did a CPR-First Aid project and is starting a ‘Denim Quilt’ 4-H project soon; Brooksdale 4-H Club did a Potato project and is starting a ‘Niche Crops’ 4-H project in May; the Community 4-H Club will be doing ‘Community Engagement’ project. The Cloverbud 4-H Club have started this year with learning to curl at the Norwich Curling Club in January; doing various activities in February— some for theWoodstock Fair 4-H Classes; in March some of the 4-H Cloverbuds experienced the 4-H pancake fundraiser by helping one of the days. The Oxford Beef 4-H Club started the ‘Beef’ project; the Oxford Swine 4-H Club have started to learn about genetics with swine. The Dairy 4-H Clubs will start soon. The Thamesford 4-H Club will be serving up strawberry shortcakes at the July 1st Embro Highland Games; and the Community & Cloverbud 4-H Clubs will be at the Embro Truck & Tractor Pull August 2 & 3 at the pizza booth and selling pop & water with the wagon. Thank you in advance for supporting these 4-H club fundraisers!! Oxford County 4-H Association Chairperson: Christy Brekelmans, Vice Chairperson: Melvin Bergsma, Treasurer: Jack Danen, Assistant Treasurer: Sarah McIntosh, Secretary: ShonnaWard, Assistant Secretary: Kirsten Dill, Livestock Coordinator: Amy Reinhart, Association Rep: Kirsten Dill, Oxford 4-H Awards Coordinator: ShonnaWard, Dairy Classic Coordinator: Geoff Innes, Beef Royal Coordinators: Terri Muir & Sarah Pletsch, and other Directors: Deb Bailey, Dwight Hargreaves. The 4-H Ontario youth participant fee is paid online directly with 4-H Ontario. The Oxford County 4-H Association will be subsidizing the provincial youth participant fee by $25.00 for Oxford 4-H youth members for 2024 with the George Thornton Bequest Funds. Oxford 4-H youth members will pay $75 to join 4-H in 2024—registration is done on the 4-H Ontario website. Please contact the club volunteer or oxfordcounty4h@gmail.com to confirm the project you are interested in is running in 2024 before registering. The 4-H program is a leadership development program for youth ages 6-21 from urban and rural areas learning about health, environment, technology, agriculture, science, food, community and communication in a hands-on learning atmosphere. To knowmore about the 4-H program, please contact the Oxford 4-H Communications Coordinator, ShonnaWard, by email oxfordcounty4h@gmail.com or call/text 519-854-6919 or check out Oxford County 4-H Facebook. Highland Park Mobile Homes Travel Trailers • Park Models • Sun Rooms R.R. #3 Embro, Ontario NOJ 1J0 P: (519) 475-4471 F: (519) 475-4155 www.happyhills.com Elaine & John Baker TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA 519-485-2490 www.zorra.ca admin@zorra.ca 163 Brock St, PO Box 189 Thamesford, Ontario N0M 2M0 Zorra Municipal & Child Care Centre NEW ADDRESS AS OF MAY 23, 2024
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