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TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION 4 Zorra Now | Spring 2024 Zorra Now | Spring 2024 5 Building Department Any building or drainage questions should be addressed to Mike Hughes, Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent 519-485-2490 ext. 7224 mhughes@zorra.ca Public Works Department Any roads questions should be addressed to Steve Oliver, Director of Public Services 519-485-2490 ext. 7227 or soliver@zorra.ca BATTERY RECYCLING The Township of Zorra has a free program for the recycling of household batteries through Raw Materials Company Inc. (RMC). The program is being offered at four locations throughout the Township: - Township of Zorra Municipal Office, 274620 27th Line, RR 3, Ingersoll, ON N5C 3J6 – phone 519-485-2490 ext. 7221 - Thamesford Community Centre, 85 Middleton Street, Thamesford, ON N0M 2M0 – phone 519-485-2490 ext. 7245 - Embro Zorra Community Centre, 355644 35th Line, Embro, ON N0J 1J0 – phone 519-485-2490 ext. 7251 Please feel free to drop off your batteries at any of the above locations. Since the start of this program in September 2012, the Township of Zorra has collected and returned 3,236 lbs of batteries to RawMaterials Company for Recycling.  Zoning By-law  Nutrient Management By-law  Fencing By-law The use of building permits allows for municipalities to regulate the types of construction in the commu and ensure that proper building standards are met. The enforcement of the Building Code Act serves t protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. For more information on projects that require a building permit, please visit The Township of Zorra’s Building webpage at zorra.ca/building-and-drainage.aspx. Additional Residential Units (ARUs) ARUs are smaller, self-contained dwelling units (i.e., with their own kitchen, bathroom and sleeping area s) that are inside, attached to, or in a detached accessory building on the same property as a sing detached house, semi-detached house or street fronting townhouse. ARUs can take many forms, such basement apartments, attached suites, tiny homes and coach houses, but they must be smaller than t primary residential unit, within a permanent building (i.e., not a mobile home or recreational vehicle), a connected to municipal water and sewage services, where available. You can find more information about ARUs on the Township of Zorra and Oxford County websites.  zorra.ca/en/our-services/building.aspx  oxfordcounty.ca/en/services-for-you/additional-residential-units.aspx If you are thinking about building an ARU, early consultation with the Building Department is recommended to help ensure that your project meets all the provisions and requirements. Please cont Mike Hughes, Chief Building Official at ext. 7224. Sanitary Sewage Systems Reduced Load Season A reminder to all drivers of heavy trucks and equipment that the reduced load season takes effect from February 15 to April 30 inclusive each year. In accordance with By-law 21-03, signs will be posted on applicable Township roadways. Half Load Season Rationale • Minimize long term damage to infrastructure • Problems caused when roads are soft and often require major repairs • Prevent additional damage to culverts and bridges • Heavy loads do damage to road sub-base that is difficult to detect • Changes in the size of agricultural equipment i.e. large liquid manure trailers • Multiple aggregate producers in Township • Infrastructure repair costs borne directly or indirectly by residents • All of the above lead to safety issues during Half Load Season. Permits For instructions on how to apply for a building or septic permit, please visit the Building and Drainage section on the Township of Zorra website. Applications should be submitted through www.cloudpermit.com . If you are a first-time user, you will be required to register an account. Please contact Nicole at 519-485- 2490 ext. 7231 for any questions related to Cloudpermit. Did You Know? Building and septic inspections help ensure that construction meets the requirements of the Building Code, which serves to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. Mandatory building inspections are legislatively mandated by the Ontario Building Code, Division C, Subsection After a building permit or septic permit has been issued and construction has started, Building Officials must inspect the work at various stages during construction. A building or septic permit will clearly outline the required inspections. • The applicant, owner or authorized agent is responsible to inform the Township when mandatory stages of construction are ready for inspection. • Failure to complete inspections may result in being ordered to stop work or uncover construction so the inspection(s) can be performed. • The cost for mandatory inspections is included in the building permit fee. • Additional inspections can be arranged (an additional fee may apply). • If construction plans change, revisions are required, or there are deficiencies noted for correction by a Building Official, an inspection must be rebooked and approval must be granted to continue to the next stage of construction. Closing Permits Once construction is complete, a final inspection must be completed. This ensures that the permit is closed. Not closing your permit may result in an additional fee. Booking Inspections All inspection requests can be booked on Cloudpermit. You will receive a Cloudpermit message confirming the date and approximat tim . Alternatively, you can email inspections@ zorra.ca or call the office at 519-485-2490 ext. 7231. Please allow at least 24 hours notice. Additional Residential Units (ARUs) ARUs are smaller, self-contained dwelling units (i.e., with their own kitchen, bathroom and sleeping areas) that are inside, attached to, or in a detached accessory building on the sam property as a single detached house, semi- detached house, or street fronting townhouse. ARUs can take many forms, such as basement apartments, attached suites, tiny homes and coach houses, but they must be smaller than the primary residential unit, within a permanent building (i.e., not a mobile home or recreational vehicle), and connected to municipal water and sewage services, where available. You can find more information about ARUs on the Township of Zorra and Oxford County websites. • zorra.ca/en/our-services/building.aspx • oxfordcounty.ca/en/services-for-you/additional- residential-units.aspx If you are thinking about building an ARU, early consultation with the Building Department is recommended to help ensure that your project meets all the provisions and requirements. Please contact Mike Hughes, Chief Building Official at ext. 7224. Drainage Reminder Municipal Drains: A municipal drain is a system that moves water from your property and roads. Municipal storm drains can become clogged with fallen leaves, mulch, grass clippings and other debris. If you notice debris on a storm basin lid, you can clear it off with a rake or contact the Drainage Superintendent at ext. 7224. Additional Residential Units (ARUs) ARUs ar smaller, self-con ai ed dwelling units (i.e., with their own kitchen, bathroom and sleeping areas) that are inside, attached to, or in a detached accessory building on the same prop rty as a singl detached house, semi-detached house, or street fronting townhouse . ARUs can take many forms, such as basement apartments, attached suites, tiny homes and coach houses, but they must be smaller than the primary residential unit, within a permanent building (i.e., not a mobile home or recreational vehicle), and connected to municipal water and sewage services, where available. You can find more information about ARUs on the Township of Zorra and Oxford County websites. • zorra.ca/en/our-services/building.aspx • oxfordcounty.ca/en/services-for-you/additiona l-residential-units.aspx If you are thinking about building an ARU, early consultation with the Building Department is recommended to help ensure that your project meets all the provisions and requirements. Please contact Mike Hughes, Chief Building Official at ext. 7224. Drainage Reminder Municipal Drains: A municipal drain is a system that moves water from your property and roads. Municipal storm drains can become clogged with fallen leaves, mulch, grass clippings and other debris. If you notice debris on a storm basin lid, you can clear it off with a rake or contact the Drainage Superintendent at ext. 7224. X Additional Residential Units (ARUs) ARUs are smaller, self-cont ined dwelling units (i.e., with their own kitchen, bathroom and sleeping areas) that are inside, attached to, or in a detached accessory building on the same property a s a single detached house, semi-detached h ouse, or stre t fr nting townhouse . ARU s can take many forms, such as basement apartments, attached suites, tiny homes and coach houses, but they must be smaller than the primary residential unit, within a permanent building (i.e., not a mobile home or recreational vehicle), and connected to municipal water and s wage services, w ere availabl . You can find more information about ARUs on the Township of Zorra and Oxford County websites. • zorra.ca/en/our-services/building.aspx • oxfordcounty.ca/en/services-for-you/additional-residential-units.aspx If you are thinking about building an ARU, early consultation with the Building Department is recommended to help ensure that your project meets all the provisions and requirements. Please contact Mike Hughes, Chief Building Official at ext. 7224. Drainage Reminder Municipal Drains: A municipal drain i a system that moves water from your property and roads. Municipal storm drains can become clogged with fallen leaves, mulch, grass clippings and other debris. If you otice debris on a storm basin lid, you can clear it off with a rake or contact the Drainage Superintendent at ext. 7224. X Service Awards Staff got together in Embro this month to celebrate Service Awards for staff achieving 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of service in Zorra! Thanks to Jan- ice's Fine Country Catering for a deli- cious meal and congratulations to all those who were recognized.