Zorra Now - Community Events & Services Magazine -Spring 2023

Spring 2023 COMMUNITY EVENTS & SERVICES MAGAZINE On hand for a groundbreaking ceremony at the site of the new Zorra Municipal Office and Child Care Centre today were (l-r) Paul McCaig, President, Paulsan Construction Inc; Taige Towler, Project Manager, Paulsan; Zorra Director of Corporate Services Karen Martin; Mayor Marcus Ryan; and Deputy Mayor Katie Grigg. #ZMCCC New Municipal Office & Child Care Facility

2 Zorra Now | Spring 2023 4 Township Department Information 4 Public Works 5 Building and Drainage 6 Fire and Emergency Services 11 By-Law Enforcement, Animal Control 12 Budget Facts, Tax Department 13 Multi-Use Courts Committee 14 Recreation Department 18 Summer Day Camp 19 Additonal Residential Units, NewAdditions 20 Township and Community Contacts Message from the Mayor Zorra is revising its Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan sets broad priorities and long term goals for Council and Staff based on the communities needs and wants. In order to do that, we need to hear from you, the residents who pay for and use the services the Township provides. Please check the website and talk to your Councillor about the goals you have for your community and all of Zorra. We’ve achieved big things, and this is how it’s done: by identifying those things (no matter how big or difficult) and developing a strategy to get them done. We just had an election and the discussions had during that time are fresh in our ears. But what else do you want to tell us? What do you want us to consider for long term goals for our community? In this issue... 32 Township Community Information 23 Cultural Mapping Task Force 24 Local Government Week 32 Pavilion Project 34 Historical Society, Student Exchange 35 Rural Oxford 38 Thistle Theatre, Thamesford Lions 39 Thamesford Trojans 40 Oxford 4-H Club 42 Embro & Zorra Agricultural Society “Zorra Now” Magazine is published quarterly by the Township of Zorra. Circulation is 4000 and is delivered to the residents and businesses of Zorra Township. If you have any questions or comments or would like to advertise in the magazine, please contact: Karen Martin, Director of Corporate Services/Clerk Township of Zorra 274620 27th Line, P.O. Box 306 Ingersoll, ON N5C 3K5 Ph. 519-485-2490 ext. 7228 Toll Free 1-888-699-3868 kmartin@zorra.ca www.zorra.ca COMMUNITY EVENTS & SERVICES MAGAZINE What do you love about your Zorra Township? What are the things you like to tell people about Zorra? What are the places and moments that you’ll remember? What can we do as a community to make Zorra even better? Please look here for more info and to give feedback on the Strategic Plan: www.zorra.ca/en/our-township/strategic-plan.aspx Check in on the website, follow the Township on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, phone or email Staff or Council: We want to hear from you. Join us and add to your community by doing your part! Marcus Ryan Mayor - Zorra Township, Warden - Oxford County Feature Article Page 28 Book and memorial honour Thamesford legacy of W. Harvey Beaty

Zorra Now | Spring 2023 3 RECYCLING PROGRAMS Visit wasteline.ca for complete details User fees may apply at some of the depots Blue Box items Bulky Styrofoam Cardboard Construction & demolition Electronics Film plastic Freon-containing Household hazardous waste Leaf & yard Scrap metal Tires Oxford County Waste Management Facility Town of Tillsonburg Transfer Station City of Woodstock Enviro Depot Did you miss large item collection? Visit the Waste Management Facility 384060 Salford Rd. Salford, ON Mon – Fri: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Sat: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m *Tipping fees may apply THIS PROGRAM IS FOR LARGE ITEMS 2023 Large Item Collection 519-539-9800 | info@wasteline.ca ZORRA TOWNSHIP APRIL 24 Visit www.wasteline.ca for details about what items will be accepted. REQUIREMENTS • Set out by 7 a.m. the Monday of your collection week. Late set outs will not be collected. • Max weight for any item is 45 kg or 100 lbs. • Bag tags are not required for large items. • Place items no more than one metre from the curb. • Items must be on your property, not across roads/ ditches, and easily visible (clear of tall grass). • Do not place small items on top of larger items. Inaccessible material will be left behind. DOES YOUR ITEM QUALIFY?  Does it weigh more than 45 kg (100 lbs)?  Can it be broken down into a garbage bag?  Is it eligible for a recycling program? See below.  Is your item small but you have a large quantity? If you answered “yes” to any question, your item does NOT meet the requirements. It’s NOT a spring clean-up Non-program material will be left behind, and the homeowner will be responsible for removing it. Note:automotive parts, glass, mirrors and items piled on trailers/wagons or loose in boxes will not be collected.

4 Zorra Now | Spring 2023 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION BATTERY RECYCLING The Township of Zorra has a free program for the recycling of household batteries through RawMaterials Company Inc. (RMC). The program is being offered at four locations throughout the Township: - Township of Zorra Municipal Office, 274620 27th Line, RR 3, Ingersoll, ON N5C 3J6 – phone 519-485-2490 ext. 7221 - Thamesford Community Centre, 85 Middleton Street, Thamesford, ON N0M 2M0 – phone 519-485-2490 ext. 7245 - Embro Zorra Community Centre, 355644 35th Line, Embro, ON N0J 1J0 – phone 519-485-2490 ext. 7251 Please feel free to drop off your batteries at any of the above locations. Since the start of this program in September 2012, the Township of Zorra has collected and returned 2,952 lbs of batteries to RawMaterials Company for Recycling. Public Works Department Reduced Load Season A reminder to all drivers of heavy trucks and equipment that the reduced load season takes effect from February 15 to April 30 inclusive each year. In accordance with By-law 21-03, signs will be posted on applicable Township roadways. Half Load Season Rationale • Minimize long term damage to infrastructure • Problems caused when roads are soft and often require major repairs • Prevent additional damage to culverts and bridges • Heavy loads do damage to road sub-base that is difficult to detect • Changes in the size of agricultural equipment i.e. large liquid manure trailers • Multiple aggregate producers in Township • Infrastructure repair costs borne directly or indirectly by residents • All of the above lead to safety issues during Half Load Season. Steve Oliver, Director of Public Works 519-485-2490 ext. 7227 or soliver@zorra.ca DAYCARE New Licenced Daycare! Opening early 2024 Brock Street, Thamesford Wait list: https://onehsn.com/oxford/ux_2_0 WAIT LIST OPEN!

Zorra Now | Spring 2023 5 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Building &Drainage Department Any building or drainage questions should be addressed to Mike Hughes Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent 519-485-2490 ext. 7224 mhughes@zorra.ca Building Department Applying for a Building Permit To complete a building permit application, please register an account at www.cloudpermit.com. You will complete the application online and be required to upload a site plan, drawings, and designer information to the application. For more information on how to submit an application or if you are unsure if your project requires a building permit, please visit the Building Department webpage or contact us at ext. 7231. Failure to obtain a Building Permit may result in a penalty of double the permit fee, as per the Township of Zorra’s Building By-Law No. 18-19. Building a Deck? We have added a step-bystep Residential Deck Design Guide (including diagrams and calculations) to help homeowners develop a set of deck plans that will streamline the building plans review process. You can check out the Residential Deck Design Guide posted online in the Building Department section at www.zorra.ca To complete a permit application for a deck, head over to www.cloudpermit.com. Sanitary Sewage System The Township Building Department oversees the private sanitary sewage system (septic systems) approvals for Zorra. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these approvals, please contact the Building Department. Drainage Department Construction Drains • Construction on drains are initiated by a petition that is filed by the landowner, county or even the Public Works Department of a municipality. • Council will either accept or reject the petition. • If Council accepts the petition, Council will then appoint an Engineer to carry out a study and report. • Drainage meetings will be arranged and notifications will be mailed to the landowners within the watershed. • It is very important that any notifications that a landowner receives from the Township be fully understood by the landowner. • It is essential for all landowners to understand all the deadlines, appeal dates and the financial implications of the drainage work. Highland Park Mobile Homes Travel Trailers Park Models Sun Rooms R.R. #3 Embro, Ontario NOJ 1J0 P: (519) 475-4471 F: (519) 475-4155 www.happyhills.com Elaine & John Baker

6 Zorra Now | Spring 2023 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Fire &Emergency Services Department Please contact the Township’s Fire Chief/CEMC, Deanna Kirwin at 519-485-2490 ext. 7240 or at dkirwin@zorra.ca if you have any questions. Township of Zorra Fire Chief Deanna Kirwin 519-485 2490 ext. 7240 Zorra Fire & Emergency Services Ask people you trust if they are willing to help you in case of an emergency. Identify contacts for important locations such as home, work or school. Neighbours are often the closest and most available contacts in an emergency. Tell these support people where your emergency kit is stored. Give one member a key to your home. Include a support network contact who is far enough away that they are unlikely to be affected by the same emergency. Work with your support network to develop a plan that meets your needs. Practice your emergency plan with your network. If applicable, show them how your special needs equipment works. Emergency preparedness is a shared responsibility. All Canadians are encouraged to be prepared to cope for at least the first 72 hours of an emergency, while emergency workers focus on those in urgent need. Personal Support Network In addition to this, consider creating a personal support network. A personal support network is a group of at least three people you know and trust and who would help you during an emergency. How do you create a support network? Get Prepared #ReadyForAnything Emergency Preparedness Guide Is there someone in the community that could use assistance in getting prepared for an emergency? Do they have special needs for their mobility, hearing or vision? Perhaps they have a non-visible exceptionality such as specific medications or a severe allergy. In event of an emergency - offer your support. Check in and be part of their support network to ensure that the residents of Zorra Township are #PreparedForAnything #DoingYourPart

Zorra Now | Spring 2023 7 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Township of Zorra Fire Chief Deanna Kirwin 519-485 2490 ext. 7240 Zorra Fire & Emergency Services Get Prepared Quiz I can use my camping gas stove indoors in case of an emergency. In the event of an extended power outage there is no way to safely heat my home. I should keep an emergency kit for my pets. Water does not need to be treated before drinking it in an emergency. The recommended amount of water stored for an emergency is 1 L per person per day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Emergency Preparedness OR FALSE Never use unvented combustion appliances, such as barbecues, cook stoves, butane camping lanterns, or propane or kerosene heaters and lamps inside your house. They burn up available oxygen and produce C0 (carbon dioxide) and other combustion gases and fumes. Some also produce huge quantities of colourless, odourless and deadly carbon monoxide. FALSE You can safely heat your home during a power outage if you already have a standby heating unit installed, such as a non-electric stove or heater, or a wood-burning fireplace. TRUE You should personalize your basic emergency kit items according to your needs. If you have pets include special items such as food, water and medication for your pets or service animal. Whether you decide to stay put in an emergency or evacuate to a safer location, you will need to have a plan ready for your pets. FALSE You should treat all water of uncertain purity before using it for drinking, food preparation or hygiene. Treatment can vary depending on the nature of the contamination, but when in doubt, do not drink water you suspect may be contaminated. Boiling is the safest method of treating water. Bring water to a rolling boil for 10 minutes, keeping in mind that some water will evaporate. Let the water cool before drinking. FALSE You should have at least four litres of water per person per day - for drinking, food preparation, personal hygiene and dishwashing. So for example, if you have three family members, you should have 12 litres a day for at least a three-day period, i.e. 36 litres of bottled water in a cool, dark place, in washed and disinfected plastic bottles that are easy to carry. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2

8 Zorra Now | Spring 2023 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Township of Zorra Fire Chief Deanna Kirwin 519-485 2490 ext. 7240 Zorra Fire & Emergency Services Burn Permits Has the contact information changed? Do you have additional addresses to add to your file or properties to remove? Do you have questions about the conditions, or wish to review the parameters in which you can burn? Does your permanent fire permit information require updating? Consider checking in and verifying the information we have on file for your permit so when the time comes to activate your permit you can proceed without issue. If you require any further information regarding this, please contact the Township office by email at mmclellan@zorra.ca or by phone at 519-485-2490. Do you have a fire permit on a property in Zorra Township? The phone number to activate your permit has changed. Fire Permit Activation has Changed All burn permit activations must call the new Dispatch phone number 519-842-2481 as of March 1, 2023. Op e n A i r Bu r n i n g i s n o t p e rmi t t e d i n h aml e t s o r bu i l t - up a r e a s . Ap p l i c a t i o n f o rms a r e a v a i l a b l e a t Z o r r a . c a Bu r n p i l e s mu s t n o t e x c e e d 9 s qu a r e me t e r s a nd 2 me t e r s i n h e i g h t un l e s s o t h e rw i s e a p p r o v e d b y t h e F i r e Ch i e f Bu r n s s h a l l b e l o c a t e d a t l e a s t 3 0 me t e r s f r om a n y c ombu s t i b l e s t r u c t u r e P e rmi t t e d ONL Y du r i n g d a y l i g h t h o u r s a nd MUS T b e e x t i n g u i s h e d b e f o r e d a r k No bu r n i n g o f p e t r o l e um- b a s e d p r o du c t s A r e s p o n s i b l e a du l t mu s t b e p r e s e n t a t a l l t ime s No bu r n i n g i s p e rmi t t e d du r i n g h i g h - r i s k p e r i o d s o r p o o r a i r qu a l i t y d a y s . OPEN A I R BURN I NG ( P E RM I T R E QU I R E D ) Ext. 7221 www.Zorra.ca

Zorra Now | Spring 2023 9 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Township of Zorra Fire Chief Deanna Kirwin 519-485 2490 ext. 7240 Zorra Fire & Emergency Services Camper Cabin Fire Doesn't Take a Vacation When you open up your cottage or cabin, make sure your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are working. Install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in RVs, trailers and campers. Stay in the kitchen area while you cook. Keep anything that can catch fire away from the stovetop. Check propane refrigerators, furnaces, ovens and stovetops for leaks. Replace worn out alarms and batteries. Test them monthly. Smoke & CO Safety

10 Zorra Now | Spring 2023 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Township of Zorra Fire Chief Deanna Kirwin 519-485 2490 ext. 7240 Zorra Fire & Emergency Services BE PREPARED TO BE CHALLENGED - BE PREPARED TO BE EMPOWERED A 4 day experience like no other where young women can experience what it's like to have a career in the fire services. Camp Molly www.campmolly.ca Molly Williams, a black slave in New York City, was the first recognized female firefighter on record in North America in 1818. The name, Camp Molly, pays tribute to this incredible trailblazer through providing young women in the community a unique opportunity. Zorra Fire will be hosting a Camp Molly, June 1 - 4, 2023, which will provide a positive and supportive opportunity for young females aged 15 - 18. The camp will allow the chance for these young women to learn a wide range of skills involved in the fire service from fire service professionals across the province volunteering their time as mentors. Scan Here Register today BE PREPARED TO CHANGE THE WAY YOU SEE YOURSELF

Zorra Now | Spring 2023 11 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION By-Law Enforcement Recreation Vehicle (RV) Parking: Notice to all RV/boat owners. Our Zoning By-law allows front driveway storage of RVs and boats from May 1 – October 31. After October 31, front driveway storage of these vehicles shall be removed and stored elsewhere. After October 31, the vehicles may be stored on your side lot or rear lot provided that they meet the 5 foot setback. Rules about dogs: The weather is now changing and dogs are outside for extended periods of time, please be aware of the Animal Control By-law 43-15. The By-law prohibits dogs from running at large. The result of which may be a fine of $200.00 plus fees. Dogs require a leash at all times when walked. They shall not wander (Running at Large) on public or other private properties. In addition, all excrement shall be picked-up and properly discarded in a garbage bin as outlined in the By-law. Failure to do so could result in a fine of $125.00. If you wish to view By-laws they can be found on the website http://www.zorra.ca/Home/Our-Township/By-Laws-Policies. Dave Robertson, By-law Enforcement Officer 226-374-6795 Fireworks Residents may set off consumer fireworks on their private property 2 days prior to and 2 days following Canada Day, Labour Day, Victoria Day and Diwali as long as they are set off before 11PM, by persons 18 years of age or older. Consumer fireworks are prohibited from being discharged inside of any building, structure, or vehicle. Written approval by the Chief Fire Official is required for discharging fireworks from municipal property including streets, lanes, Animal Control LOW-COST PET SERVICES AT THE STRATFORD PERTH HUMANE SOCIETY Did you know that Zorra Township pet owners can access a variety of services at the Stratford Perth Humane Society? They include: - Weekly low-cost microchip appointments - Monthly rabies vaccination and microchip appointments - Low-cost spay neuter clinic for cats (no income or geography restrictions) - TNR services for community cats/barn cats - And more! Check out kwsphumane.ca for more information or to register today! LOST OR FOUND A PET? Please contact our Animal Services provider, the Stratford Perth Humane Society, ASAP and file a lost/found report. Also check out the stray pets in care page to see if your pet is currently at the shelter (pets will show for the first five days from intake, so please always call). Call 519-273-6600. squares, parks, etc. Reminder for residents to let their neighbours know when they plan to set off fireworks. Fireworks may be sold in the Township, 7 days prior to Canada Day, Labour Day, Victoria Day and Diwali, to persons 18 years of age or older, as long as the retailer receives an approved permit from the Township.

12 Zorra Now | Spring 2023 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Software Enhancements are Coming! The Township of Zorra's Finance Department is working towards software enhancements that will improve efficiencies. With these changes, it will be even more important that your online banking payee information is correct. Please ensure that your account number listed for on-line banking is your roll number and that you have a separate payee set up for each property tax account (for each tax notice that you receive). For example, if your roll number is 3227-012-010-022220000, for on-line banking purposes you would enter this number as 01201002222 (no dashes or spaces). If an error occurs, try entering the four zeros at the end and this should resolve the issue. You can check to make sure your account number is entered correctly in your on-line banking by going to your list of payees and selecting Zorra Township Taxes. You should be able to edit the payee and this is where you can confirm that the roll number has been entered correctly. We appreciate everyone's cooperation! Lynda Thornton, Tax Collector/Deputy Treasurer 519-485-2490 Ext. 7222 lthornton@zorra.ca Tax Department Pre-authorized Payment Plan for your taxes The Township of Zorra offers 10 or 12 month or by installment due date Pre-Authorized Payment Plans. If you are interested in enrolment, you can find the authorization form on our website at www.zorra.ca or you may call Lynda at 519-4852490 ext. 7222. A VOID cheque will also be required. You may enroll in any of our plans throughout the year provided that your account is in good standing. We require 30 days notice for any new enrollments or changes existing banking account information. If you are currently enrolled in one of our pre-authorized payment plans, you DO NOT need to re-apply each year. On-Line or Telephone banking Online or telephone banking is available. All banks accept Zorra as a client and the account number required is your ROLL NUMBER from your tax bill, starting after 3227. For example, 012-010-13100-0000, you would enter this as 01201013100, if an error occurs, please add the extra four zeros at the end and try again. 2023 Property Assessment Property Taxes for the 2023 taxation year will continue to be based on the January 1, 2016 valuation date. Property assessments will remain the same as they were for the 2022 tax year, unless there has been changes to your property. 2023 Budget Facts Council approved the 2023 Budget at the January 18th meeting and reports are available on our website for your information. We now wait for the County to finalize the tax ratios before we can finalize the Township’s tax rates for 2023. Some key points include: • Capital Budget will need $3,005,180 collected from taxes to fund all projects scheduled for 2023 • The Operating Budget requires $7,346,437 from taxes to fund the operation of the Township • Total taxes for the year to be collected is $10,351,167 • This is an 8.15% increase over 2022 • The Township saw 1.35% increase in growth • If the tax ratios remain the same as 2022 (the tax policies that set the tax ratios are conducted at the upper tier level by Oxford County), an approximate increase of 6.72% for the tax rate, just under the 6.9% rate for cost of living at the time the 2023 Budget was produced. • Including the 2023 tax rate increase, this is an average of 2.46% of the tax rate over the past 6 years for Zorra residents.

Zorra Now | Spring 2023 13 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION The Zorra Multi-Use Courts Committee is working towards bringing multi-use courts to Thamesford! The courts will be used to play basketball, ball hockey, pickleball, and tennis, and will serve as a community hub for all Township of Zorra residents to enjoy. Committee members Andrew Goodwin, Brenda Carnahan, Julie Riley, Libby Wilkinson, Kate Lockhart, Rebecca Ruddy, and Deputy Mayor Katie Grigg have been working hard to fundraise for the multi-use courts. The total cost of the project is approximately $266,500.00 with the Township of Zorra Council committing nearly $80,000.00 to the project (once the remaining funds have been raised). This means that the ZMCC and the community need to fundraise approximately $186,000.00 for the courts! ZORRA MULTI-USE COURTS COMMITTEE To raise money for the multi-use courts, the committee has hosted pickleball tournaments, volleyball tournaments, Christmas craft markets, and sold Cinnabons - just to name a few of their past fundraisers! The Zorra community has also been doing their part to help fundraise for the multi-use courts. Sugar Bloom Floral in Embro donated $100.00 from their Valentine's Day sales to the multi-use courts project this winter. Take a look at the updated fundraising thermometer to see the fundraising progress! In March, the Thamesford Lions Club donated $50,000.00 to the multi-use courts project!! This generous donation brings the committee a big step closer in their fundraising goal and has brought the Lions Club to "partner" level donation status. This donation is another example of how the Lions Club works towards improving their communities. Without groups like the Thamesford Lions Club, this project would not be possible! On behalf of the Zorra Multi-Use Courts Committee and Council, we would like to extend a big thank you to the Thamesford Lions for this donation! Thank you for doing your part Thamesford Lions! Make sure to check out Z0RRA MULTI-USE COURTS COMMITTEE on Facebook for updates on the ZMCC and their fundraising initiatives! Are you a business, club, or individual that would like to donate to this family-friendly sports facility?! Please reach out to any member of the Zorra Multi-Use Courts Committee.

14 Zorra Now | Spring 2023 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Recreation Department THAMESFORD AREA SWIMMING POOL 2023 PROGRAM GUIDE 204 George Street, Thamesford 519-485-2490 x7285 thamesfordpool@zorra.ca REGISTRATION HOW TO REGISTER ONLINE: Starting May 1, visit www.zorra.ca for access to the registration link. For assistance registering online, please contact us at thamesfordpool@zorra.ca or 519485-2490 Ext.7285 IN PERSON: Registration in person is available at the pool starting June 26 from 1:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m. See hours of operation below for more information. The Thamesford Area Swimming Pool is located at 204 George Street, Thamesford. WAITING LISTS If your child can not be placed in any of your class choices, they will be placed on a waiting list. You will be contacted if a spot becomes available. REFUND & CANCELLATION POLICY • Refunds will not be considered after the 2nd lesson. Due to the short pool season, missed classes will not be made up. • Cancellation of lessons by the Township due to inclement weather or mechanical/chemical malfunctions will not refunded or rescheduled. LESSONS Thamesford Area Swimming Pool is now teaching the SWIM FOR LIFE curriculum provided by the LIFESAVING SOCIETY. If you have questions about this program or how to transition from what the comparison is to your current Red Cross level, please reach out! We would be happy to help! Morning Lessons $56.00/session Parent & Tot classes and levels ‘PreSchool 1 to 5’ and ‘Swimmer 1 & 2’. 30 minutes/lesson Swimmers will come each weekday morning for two weeks and participate in the Swim for Life program. Lessons are scheduled between 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Session 1: July 3 – 14 Session 2: July 17 – 28 Session 3: July 31 - August 11 Session 4: August 14 – 25 $65.00/session For ‘Swimmer’ levels, 3 to 6. 45 minutes/lesson Evening Lessons $46.00/session Swimmers will come once each week for 8 weeks. Lessons are scheduled between 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Tuesdays or Thursdays 30 minutes/lesson Saturday Lessons $46.00/session Swimmer will come every Saturday for 8 weeks. Lessons are scheduled between 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Saturdays 30 minutes/lesson Private Lessons $25.00/lesson Can be scheduled as often as required, subject to availability. Lessons are 1 on 1 and are 30 minutes in length. Wednesday & Friday evenings, Saturday mornings 30 minutes/lesson LESSON SCHEDULE

Zorra Now | Spring 2023 15 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION LESSONS Thamesford Ares Swimming Pool now provides swim instruction based on the Lifesaving Society Swim for Life curriculum. The Red Cross Swim program is no longer offered. Placement in the Swim for Life programs depend on many variables including age, skill proficiency, previous experience and readiness. Please use the following as a guide when registering your child. If you have any questions or wish a skill screening of your child, please contact the pool at 519-485-2490 x.7285 or thamesfordpool@zorra.ca SWIM FOR LIFE LEVELS: PARENT & TOT Structures in-water interaction between pare4nt and child, participants will experiences the importance of play while developing water-positive attitudes and skills. Classes will be made available based on age and child development. For Parents and Children up to 3 years of age. PRESCHOOL, Levels 1 to 5 The basic aquatic progressions work to ensure swimmers become comfortable in the water and have fun acquiring and developing a foundation of water skills along with an appreciation and a healthy respect for the water. For Children 3 to 5 years of age. SWIMMER, Levels 1 to 6 The Swimmer levels make sure children learn how to swim before getting in too deep. For swimmers as young as 5 years old, and accommodates all abilities from beginners to those continuing to develop their skills. For Swimmers 5 years of age and older. Lesson Conversion Chart: Use this chart to determine what level your swimmer should be registered. Still not sure? Please give us a call! PRIVATE LESSONS For swimmers who prefer one on one instruction. A 1-on-1 setting designed to provide extra attention to a specific skill or a swimmers need that group lessons may not address. Private lessons are flexible and scheduled as often as required and are booked late afternoons or on the weekend. Lesson times are subject to availability. Please contact the pool to discuss your needs.

16 Zorra Now | Spring 2023 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION THAMESFORD AREA SWIMMING POOL 2023 PROGRAM GUIDE 204 George Street, Thamesford 519-485-2490 x7285 thamesfordpool@zorra.ca DROP-IN PROGRAMS & SPECIAL EVENTS PUBLIC SWIMS Public Swims are a fun way to get into the pool every day! Bring your favorite pool toys and floaties too! These recreational swims are open to everyone. Schedule: *Schedule Subject to Change Monday 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. & 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Tuesday 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. & 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Thursday 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Friday 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. & 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Saturday 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Sunday 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. & 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Schedule begins Monday, June 26, 2023 FEES Per Person $3.00 Children 3 & Under Free Family* $8.00 10-Swim Punch Card $25.00 Single Season Pass: $60.00 Family Season Pass* $150.00 * Family rate includes up to 6 people in the same immediate family with a maximum of 2 adults. ADULT FITNESS AQUAFIT Aquafit is a great aerobic program that improve strength and increase cardiovascular fitness. It is a low-impact work out with the cushioning effect of the water protecting joints. Or join us for the great music, fun instructors and social opportunities! LANE SWIM A great full body workout using all the muscles in the body! So whether you swim a gentle breaststroke or hammer butterfly, there is a lane for you at TASP! Need some help with your strokes? Speak to the staff, they love sharing their techniques! Schedule: Monday & Tuesday 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Wednesday & Friday 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. SPECIAL EVENTS DIVE-IN Friday, August 11, Dusk Watch a movie under the stars in the pool or on the deck with us! (drop-in fees apply) ADMISSION GUIDELINES The following guidelines are to be followed by all swimmers in the pool during public swim. These guidelines outline the SUPERVISORY requirements of guardians and children while using this facility.

Zorra Now | Spring 2023 17 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION THAMESFORD AREA SWIMMING POOL 2023 PROGRAM GUIDE 204 George Street, Thamesford 519-485-2490 x7285 thamesfordpool@zorra.ca ADVANCED CLASSES As a lifeguard and instructor in aquatics, you can get a great summer job here TASP! Working at the pool is a fun and rewarding experience. Work with great people, be part of an awesome team, and gain valuable skills to help you in your future career goals! BRONZE MEDALLION & BRONZE CROSS Both of these advanced classes will continue your journey to become a lifeguard! In Bronze Medallion you will gain an understanding of lifesaving: water-rescue, aquatic skills & fitness. Emergency First Aid certification will also be achieved in this course. Candidates must be 13 years old or have completed Bronze Star. The Bronze Cross course is for those who have obtained their Bronze Medallion and are interested in more advanced training or continuing onto achieving National Lifeguard and Instructor certifications. This course will provide an introduction to safe supervision in aquatics, use of special equipment and principles of teamwork. Emergency First Aid certification also required. • $150 + manual ($55) • Minimum of 6 candidates required. • 20hr of water & classroom instruction July 17 – 28 Monday – Friday, 4:00-6:00pm *Mandatory test day: Friday, July 28 at 4pm July 14-16 & July 21-23 (“Weekend Intensive” Class) Friday 4:00 – 8:00pm and Sat. & sun., 9:00am-12:00pm *Mandatory test day: Friday, July 28 at 4pm August 28 – September 1 Monday – Friday, 9:00am-2:00pm *Mandatory test day: September 1 BRONZE STAR Prepare yourself for the advanced Bronze courses in this class. Participants will work on swimming fitness, rescue skills and build their knowledge or basic first aid in this program. Minimum age 12 recommended. • $80 + manual ($55) • Minimum of 6 candidates required • 10hr. of water & classroom or virtual instruction August 14 – 18 Monday to Friday, 4:00pm-6:00pm SWIM PATROL The Rookie, Ranger and Star Patrol levels provide enriched training for those who are ready to go beyond regular lessons. These classes will continue to develop participants swim strokes and provide the skill foundation that prepares them for success as they prepare for the Bronze medal courses. Minimum Swim Kids Level 6 recommended. • $65 per session • Minimum of 4 candidates required Available during morning lessons. Times vary per session. SWIM TEAM The Tiger Sharks Swim Team is a great way to build your swimming skills and have fun while on a team! Team members will have the opportunity to go to swim meets throughout the summer and test their skills against others in the area! Open to all ages: child, teen, adult who can swim (a recognizable stroke) for one length of the pool. Practices: Tuesday, Thursday & Saturdays 1:00–2:00pm Swim Meets: Wednesday evenings. Cost: $85.00 per swimmer Register: www.zorra.ca VOLUNTEER! Volunteer at the pool! A great way to get some experience as a Swim Instructor! Volunteers will help run the swim classes with our staff during regular lesson times throughout the summer. Volunteers must be minimum 12 years of age and have completed Red Cross Swim Kids Level 8 or higher. To apply, visit www.zorra.ca for more information.

18 Zorra Now | Spring 2023 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION SUMMER DAY CAMP T O W N S H I P O F Z O R R A J U L Y 3 - S E P T E M B E R 1 2 0 2 3 $164/week 8:00am - 5:00pm pizza fridays! FIELD TRIPS! J u l y 3 - 7 J u l y 1 0 - 1 4 J u l y 1 7 - 2 1 J u l y 2 4 - 2 8 J u l y 2 1 - A u g . 4 A u g u s t 7 - 1 1 A u g u s t 1 4 - 1 8 A u g u s t 2 1 - 2 5 A u g u s t 2 8 - S e p t . 1 T o o C o o l F o r S c h o o l T h e S e c r e t L i f e o f P e t s A m a z i n g R a c e B e a c h W e e k T o I n f i n i t y a n d B e y o n d ! S h a r k T a n k T h e M u s i c i s G o n n a M o v e Y o u T r o p i c a l P a r a d i s e T a s t e b u d - t a s t i c ! THAMESFORD DISTRICT RECREAT ION CENTRE F o r k i d s a g e d 4 t o 8 AVAI LABLE FOR KIDS AGES 4 TO 12 Registration Now Open! visit www.zorra.ca to register! EMBRO ZORRA COMMUNI TY CENTRE TWO CAMPS AVAI LABLE ! Fo r k i ds aged 9 t o 1 2 JUNIORS SEN IORS Before & After Care Available!

Zorra Now | Spring 2023 19 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Additional Residential Units in Zorra Township The Township of Zorra is in the process of updating its Zoning By-law to allow for Additional Residential Units (ARUs) in settlements and on rural residential and agricultural lots, where appropriate. County Council approved Official Plan Amendment (OPA 285) on February 8, 2023 which directs Townships to identify zones where ARUs are to be permitted and establish standards and requirements for these units. Background information regarding OPA 285 is available on Speak Up, Oxford! What are ARUs? Additional Residential Units (ARUs) are separate, self-contained dwelling units (i.e., own kitchen, bathroom and sleeping areas) that are inside, attached to, or ancillary to (located on the same lot as) a single detached, semi-detached or street townhouse dwelling. ARUs can take many forms, such as basement apartments, attached suites, tiny homes and coach houses, but they must be smaller than the principal dwelling or residence. Zoning By-law Amendment The Township of Zorra will hold a Public Meeting under the Planning Act regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (File Number ZN5-23-04) prior to Township Council making a decision. The Public Meeting date is scheduled for May 3, 2023 at 10 am. Please check the Township Council Agenda and the current application notices page on the County website to confirm the date, time and location of the meeting and read the Planning Report, including draft zoning provisions. If you have any comments or questions, please contact Meghan House, Development Planner at the County of Oxford at (519) 539-9800, ext 3219, or by email at mhouse@oxfordcounty.ca it's a CONG R A T U L A T I ON S t o J e n n a a n d S c o t t G a l l ma n o n t h e s a f e a r r i v a l o f J A NU A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 2 3 A J e n n a w i l l b e r e t u r n i n g t o o u r F i n a n c e D e p a r t me n t n e x t y e a r a f t e r e n j o y i n g h e r ma t e r n i t y l e a v e . Kane William MARCH 4, 2023 Walker Wesley IT'S A BOY!!!! CONGRATULATIONS to Cody and Carley Brown on the safe arrival of Cody and Carley will be enjoying some time with their new baby boy before returning to their duties at Zorra Fire & Emergency Services Embro Station and Zorra Public Works. Zorra Staff welcome new additions!

20 Zorra Now | Spring 2023 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Township Contacts Employees Building/Drainage Department Chief Building Official/ Drainage Superintendent - Mike Hughes Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7224 Email: mhughes@zorra.ca Deputy Chief Building Official/ Building Inspector - Mathew Paul Phone: 519-485-2490 ext 7230 Email: mpaul@zorra.ca Building Services Coordinator Nicole van Breda Phone: 519-485-2490 ext 7231 Email: nvanbreda@zorra.ca Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer - Don MacLeod Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7226 Email: dmacleod@zorra.ca Director of Corporate Services/Clerk Karen Martin Phone: 519-485-2490 ext. 7228 Email: kmartin@zorra.ca Planner - Spencer McDonald Phone: 519-539-0015 ext. 3205 Email: jsmcdonald@oxfordcounty.ca By-law Enforcement Officer - Dave Robertson Phone: 226-374-6795 Email: drobertson@zorra.ca Records Management Coordinator/ Executive Assistant - Lisa Teeple Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7229 Email: lteeple@zorra.ca Legislative Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Maggie McLaughlin Email: mmclaughlin@zorra.ca Phone: 519-485-2490 ext. 7250 Finance Department Director of Finance - Diane Larder Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7225 Email: dlarder@zorra.ca Tax Collector/Deputy Treasurer - Lynda Thornton Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7222 Email: lthornton@zorra.ca Financial Services Clerk - Pauline Todd Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7237 Email: ptodd@zorra.ca Public Works Department Director of Public Works - Steve Oliver Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7227 Email: soliver@zorra.ca Foreman – Embro Works Yard - Scott Simmons Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7265 Email: ssimmons@zorra.ca Foreman – Kintore Works Yard - Derek Collins Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7260 Email: dcollins@zorra.ca Protective Services Fire Chief/CEMC - Deanna Kirwin Phone: 519-485-2490 ext. 7240 Email: dkirwin@zorra.ca Embro District Chief - Matthew Cockle Email: embrofire@zorra.ca Thamesford District Chief - Andy Martin Email: thamesfordfire@zorra.ca Uniondale Deputy District Chief – Scott Matheson Email: uniondalefire@zorra.ca Recreation Department Director of Recreation and Facilities Matt Brown Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7243 Email: mbrown@zorra.ca Recreation and Facilities Supervisor Jason McEachnie Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7244 Email: jmceachnie@zorra.ca Recreation and Facilities Program Coordinator Stephanie Starchuck Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7242 Email: sstarchuck@zorra.ca Facility Booking Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7223 Email: booking@zorra.ca Recreation Facilities Thamesford District Recreation Centre Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7245 Email: tdrc@zorra.ca Embro Zorra Community Centre Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7251 Thamesford Area Swimming Pool Phone: 519-485-2490 Ext. 7285 Upcoming Council Meetings Council meetings are held the first WEDNESDAY of the month at 9:30 a.m. and the third WEDNESDAY of the month at 6:00 p.m. (* only one meeting these months) May 3 at 9:30am May 17 at 6:00pm June 7 at 9:30am June 21 at 6:00pm July 5 at 9:30am* August 2 at 9:30am* Keep up to date on news and events in Zorra Township www.zorra.ca Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Township of Zorra @ZorraTwp Find us on Instagram! ZorraTwp Council Mayor Marcus Ryan Email: mryan@zorra.ca Cell: 519-301-1634 Ward 1 Councillor Kevin Stewart Email: kstewart@zorra.ca Tel: 519-808-7839 Ward 2 Councillor/ Deputy Mayor Katie Grigg Email: kgrigg@zorra.ca Tel: 226-268-4495 Ward 3 Councillor Paul Mitchell Email: pmitchell@zorra.ca Tel: 519-349-2271 Ward 4 Councillor Crystal Finch Email: cfinch@zorra.ca Tel: 519-532-9037

Zorra Now | Spring 2023 21 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Community Contact Listing Minor Sports Embro Minor Hockey Club www.embrohockey.com Zorra Skating Club www.zorraskatingclub.ca Embro Minor Baseball Association www.embrominorbaseball.com Embro Minor Soccer Association www.embrosoccer.ca Kintore Optimist Soccer League www.leaguelineup.com/kintoresoccer Thamesford Area Minor Hockey Association www.tamha.net Zorra Skating Club (Thamesford) www.zorraskatingclub.ca Thamesford Minor Baseball Association www.thamesfordminorbaseball.ca Thamesford Minor Soccer www.leaguelineup.com/thamesfordsoccer West Oxford Girls Hockey Assoc. www.wogha.ca Other Organizations Thamesford Jr. PJHL Hockey Club www.thamesfordtrojans.pjhlon.hockeytech.com Thamesford NBC Hockey www.tnhl.hockeyleaguestats.com Embro NBC Hockey www.embronbc.ca Thamesford Men’s Slo-Pitch www.thamesfordslopitch.com Thamesford BeachVolleyball Club www.thamesfordvolleyball.com Schools (Elementary) Zorra Highland Public School 519-475-4121 A.J. Baker Public School 519-283-1098 Thamesford Public School 519-285-2043 Roch Carrier French Immersion 519-537-7321 John Knox Christian School 519-539-1492 School Boards Thames Valley District School Board 519-452-2000 1-888-224-3354 London District Catholic School Board 519-663-2088 Service Clubs & Community Groups Embro & Zorra Agricultural Society Nicole Barnett 519-533-2208 Embro Highland Games/ Zorra Caledonian Society 519-475-4451 Thamesford Lion’s Club Barb Corrin, President 226-751-5828 Thamesford Scouts Jackie Van Daele 519-283-6159 Kintore Optimist Club 519-283-6321 Harrington & Area Community Association Philip Kerr 519-475-0484 Harrington Grist Mill Restoration Project TimVan de Kemp 519-475-4376 Oxford County 4-H oxford4-h@xplornet.com Other Alzheimers Society 519-421-2466 1-877-594-2368 Beachville District Museum 519-423-6497 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ingersoll, Tillsonburg & Area 519-485-1801 or 519-842-9000 ingtburg@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca www.sharethefun.org Calithumpian Committee 519-535-9198 Canadian Blood Services 888-236-6283 Canadian Cancer Society 888-939-3333 Canadian Red Cross 519-539-0265 Children’s Aid Society, Oxford County 519-539-6176 Crime Stoppers 800-222-TIPS Cuckoos Nest Folk Music 519-473-2099 Embro Pond Association Brian McCowan, President 519-301-4893 EmbroWest Zorra History Book Helen Brenneman 519-535-4728 Embro Library 519-475-4172 Fanshawe Pioneer Village 519-457-1296 Girl Guides - Thamesford 519-285-1126 Harrington Public Library 519-475-6909 Hardeman, Ernie, MPP. 519-537-5222 Horticultural Society (Ingersoll) 519-485-1808 Ingersoll Choral Society 519-285-2825 Ingersoll Creative Arts Centre 519-485-4691 Ingersoll Services for Seniors 519-485-3869 Ingersoll Theatre of Performing Arts 519-485-3070 Lawn Bowling Embro 519-475-4729 MacKenzie, Dave MP 519-421-7608 North Embro Cemetery Darwin Cooper 519-475-4385 Ontario Early Years Programs 800-539-9800 OPP 800-265-7191 Oxford County Jr. Farmers 519-469-3281 Oxford County Federation of Agriculture 519-852-8856 Oxford DistrictWomen's Institute Shelia Greason 519-349-2768 SouthWest Community Care Access Centre 519-539-1284 info-woodstock@sw.ccac-ont.ca Thamesford Block Parents 519-285-1126 Thamesford Business Association 519-285-3249 Thamesford Public Library 519-285-3219 Thamesford Snowmobile Club Harold Hacon (trails) 519-461-0855 David Blight (President) 519-432-2729 Thistle Theatre - Box Office 519-475-4201 infothistletheatre@gmail.com Tiny Paws Dog Rescue - Linda Collier www.tpdr.ca VON Oxford 519-539-1231 VON Sakura House 519-537-8515 WelcomeWagon 519-485-2990 Wienerfest - Linda Collier 519 285-5123 Women’s Canadian Club 519-471-8924 Places of Worship St. Andrew’s United Church 924044 Road 92, Brooksdale, Ontario 519-475-6011 Chalmers United Church 842993 Road 84, Kintore, Ontario 519-283-6376 Crossroads Alliance Church 194552 19th Line, R.R. 3 Ingersoll, Ontario 519- 485-4440 Knox Presbyterian Church 115 St. Andrews Street Embro, Ontario 519-475-4816 Knox Presbyterian Church 963727 Road 96 , Harrington, Ontario 519-475-4011 Knox United Church 116 Kincardine Street, Embro, Ontario 519-475-4060 Maple Grove Christian Retreat 194936 19th Line Thamesford, Ontario 519-285-3334 St. John’s Anglican Church 220 Dundas Street Thamesford, Ontario 519-285-3218 Truth Community Church 154978 15th Line (Banner Rd.) Thamesford, Ontario 519-285-2112 www.truthcommunitychurch.ca Westminster United Church 115 George Street Thamesford, Ontario 519-285-3212 www.makingconnextions.com East Nissouri Union Church 519-349-2333

22 Zorra Now | Spring 2023 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Oxford Reads. Our 2023 Shortlist titles will soon be announced! Stay tuned to www.oxfordreads.ca for this year’s Shortlist and details on how you can vote for our 2023 Oxford Read. Forest of Reading®. The Forest of Reading® is Canada’s largest recreational reading program and an initiative of the Ontario Library Association. Designed to encourage a love of reading, the Forest of Reading® celebrates Canadian books, publishers, authors and illustrators. Ages 4-18 can participate in one or more of the reading challenges for their age/grade category. Oxford County Library is encouraging participants to discover as many of the books as they can in their age/ grade category and vote on their favourite in April! Visit our Forest of Reading® webpage at www.ocl.net: Programs & Events – Forest of Reading. Meet author Tim Van De Kemp. Join us at the Harrington Branch on Wednesday, April 19 at 6:30 p.m. as Local Author Tim Van De Kemp shares his book, A New Life in a New Land, and his journey of capturing his family history in print. If you have an interest in recording your family history, this is the event for you! Summer Reading Club. Don’t forget our Summer Reading Club starts in June. All OCL branches will feature special performers, crafts, and other activities all summer long. Library cards. Do you need a library card? Send an email with your name, address (including postal code), phone number, and birth date to myaccount@ocl.net. For up-to-date library information and hours call your local branch or visit DISCOVER YOUR OXFORD COUNTY LIBRARY www.ocl.net. For up-to-date library information and hours call your local branch or visit I COVER R FORD COUNTY LIBRARY Spring is here! It’s time to pump up the tires and tune up your bike for Oxford’s newest Gravel Route, Taste of Embrosia. This bike route weaves through Zorra Township so you can stop for a mid-ride refreshment in Embro. Find the route at www.RideOxford.ca Also remember shopping local is year round in Zorra Township! For a guide to local food in Zorra and Oxford County visit www.OxfordFresh.ca Discover these local producers: Aarden Farms Alstein Farms Inc. Ann Slater Fresh Organic Vegetables Big Ass Slabs Braemar Hills Farm Buffalo Ben Bison Deep Purple Lavender Farm Eshcol Farms Fleming Farms Garden in Harrington (The) Golspie Dairy Good Nature Eco Farm McCully’s Hill Farm Miedema’s Meat Market Rooster Creek Farm Sheldon Berries Still Meadow Farm Turner’s Farm Market Vanderpol Farm “What’s Your Beef?” Wildlife Gardening

Zorra Now | Spring 2023 23 TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Cultural Mapping Task Force Inventory underway of Zorra’s cultural resources A wide-ranging list of artisans, festivals and events, businesses, non-profit organizations, heritage sites, and other cultural resources in Zorra Township is being compiled by a volunteer Cultural Mapping Task Force set up by Council. The inventory was requested so an interactive map of Zorra’s arts and culture sector could be developed by Township staff. In turn, this would help Council identify ways it might provide improved service to local artists and others involved in culture-related activities. The online information also would be a ready reference for residents and visitors, enhancing the marketing and promotion of local art, events and the many other cultural opportunities in Zorra. An example of a cultural map for the City of Burlington. If you have an idea, suggestion, or would like to help with information gathering for the project, we invite you to contact the Township or attend an upcoming task force meeting. All are welcome to attend! (The next scheduled meeting is Monday, May 1 at 7:00 p.m. in the small hall at the Embro-Zorra Community Centre.) Arts and culture providers/creators who could be included in the inventory are also invited to contact the Township of Zorra. Fraudsters are targeting seniors by calling and pretending to be a family member in distress, the police or a justice official claiming that a loved one or grandchild is in trouble and needs money immediately. Victims are told there's a gag order and can't speak to anyone. PROTECT YOURSELF Fraudsters... Call demanding immediate payment for bail, or fines to avoid going to jail Remember! The courts won't ask for cash to bail out someone in custody and will require people to be present in court. Claim to be a lawyer, police or family member in an emergency situation demanding funds Be suspicious of calls that require immediate action. Hang up! Call your local police and contact the family member directly. Request cash and send couriers for pick up or demand the victim to send cash by courier services or via cryptocurrency. Never send cash, cryptocurrencies or any other funds to unknown persons, unverified addresses or bank accounts. If you believe you have been scammed, contact your local police and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre: 1 (888) 495-8501 / antifraudcentre.ca Recognize. Reject. Report.